Revised in 2017
The guide has been prepared by Paul Cantlie who lives
in Hampshire and had a laryngectomy in 2001.
his car was wrecked under him 100 miles from home,
he realised that while neither hurt nor unvoiced on
that occasion and able to get home by train, he might
not always be so lucky and it would be as well to think
about how a hospital would deal with a voiceless
From this developed the idea of this guide as a means of
allowing neck-breathers to travel with more confidence
than in the past.
The booklet provides locations and lists of all hospitals
believed to handle emergencies of the type that
laryngectomees may suffer.
Small maps show the spread
of towns with suitable hospitals. There is an Emergency
notice for the reception staff or A&E and the next page
gives a list of the usual conditions to help a voiceless laryngectomee indicate what the problem is.
The rest of
the section lists the different hospitals, their addresses
and main details.
The booklet (updated for 2017) can be downloaded using the link below:
If you would like a printed copy please
send a stamped self addressed
envelope at least 7.5” by 5.5”
(18.5cm X 13cm) bearing a 1st or
2nd class stamp to the address below marking your envelope Travel Guide.
PO Box
Please note that "A Laryngectomee’s Travel Guide to the British Isles" is in Acrobat PDF format - so you will need the Acrobat Reader to view them. If the Acrobat Reader is not installed on you computer, please click on the icon below to download it free.